InterIslander Ferry - 11 / 07 / 2012

A far away view from the south island.

North island on the right, south island on the left.

The two smaller islands in the center are called "The Brothers" because of their strong similarity.

You cannot yet see it but Picton is straight ahead behind the first few mountain ranges.

L'Isla de la Muerta... Oh no, oups... wrong trilogy. :-p

This is the entrance to a natural "channel" that brings you into the northern sounds. A sound being the kiwi equivalent of a fjörd.

The sounds are a bit of a maze to get through. Now should I go left or right at the next crossing?

The mist and clouds are covering the Queen Charlotte Sound. There lies Picton.

It is kind of foggy out here. I could not catch any of them on a photo but we were accompagnied by a group of dolphins throughout the Queen Charlotte Sound.

Our disembarkment point.

Close-up on the previous photo.
